
Elly Belle


Elly is a trans nonbinary New York-based award-winning journalist and communications strategist with a passion for advocacy and culture. Their focus is on shaping conversations that positively change the way we treat each other and ourselves, rooted in radical compassion. For the last ten years they have worked at as well as consulted organizations focused on social change and human rights or organizations looking to grow their positive impact on systemically-harmed people.

Born with multiple disabilities, accessibility, anti-ableism, and disability justice are all a profoundly crucial part of Elly’s work. In addition, Elly does all of their work, whether creatively or community organizing-wise, through a transformative justice and abolitionist lens. They have done narrative work, crisis communications response, creative work and consulting for organizations including The National Center for Lesbian Rights, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Adobe, Microsoft Education, Included Health, The Forum for Youth Investment and SparkAction, Planned Parenthood, The Fresh Air Fund, and more.

As a journalist and cultural critic, they've written human-centered pieces about community and more for Bitch Media, Teen Vogue, SELF Magazine, The Cut, Them, and others. They've most recently had their poetry published in No, Dear, and dead end, local Brooklyn-based lit mags.

They can often be found drinking intense amounts of tea and attempting to read five books at once or weeping over a good Richard Siken or Anis Mojgani poem. They also enjoy writing music and lyrics on piano and guitar, and exploring nature. Ask them about mycelium networks (they dare you, if you want a three hour lecture). While Elly primarily works in digital media consulting, writing, and producing, they feel their most important community role is being a person who forages for hope everywhere.